Sourcing from where our ancestors also looked up before departing to cosmos and everywhere- in their humanness they received their assignment, their holy sparks of genius. Our relational star seeds planted the lands we walk now, sprouting illimitable fortitude, resilience, insistence, laser focus, reclamation, wellspring, emergence, dawning of remembrance.
We receive relationship to the whole as we are allowing of our full remembrance and becoming.
Our assignment now is to remember our wholeness. To not give way our humanness. To become fully expressed in our divine nature. Our consciousness expanding to worlds beyond thought. We must open our hearts and offer such presence to the here and now.
In this way, we create and contribute amidst the formidable Resistance.
The Resistance is necessary.
It disrupts.
It slows momentum.
A low-grade war against magalomania.
Resistance doesn’t create the new invention, the paint on the blank canvas.
Resistance is steadfast, declaring states of emergency.
Focused on and portending that what is, too much of what is occurring, isn’t good for us.
Too many strands woven into threat of demise.
Threat of annihilation.
Resistance energizes.
Architects a landing place for indignation. Raging brilliance. Riotous innocence.
Resistance bellows - in refusal to look away.
Not. Looking. Away.
No. Reframe.
No. Bypass.
Not. Letting. Up.
Divinely assigned.
Resistance arises to confront the “NOT THIS” part. Resistance arises to confront hate & greed, abuses and corruption of power, warns against dismantling of cultural and societal symbols and structures of social, economic and spiritual progress percolating along leading edge potential- the remnants, relics and living testaments to the greater intelligences and blood coursed through our ancestors, formidable resistors in our lineages who aspired, inspired and arose in resistance to what was.
Resistance is demolition and graffiti on the walls:
The opposite of love is genocide.
The opposite of love is greed.
The opposite of love is war.
The opposite of love is poverty.
The opposite of love is racism, misogyny, climate catastrophe.
The opposite of love is misalignment, against cycles of the natural world, or anything greater at all, in a society where oligarchy bleeds the poor.
A minute ago, a few beats prior, last election, this pivotal moment we are participating in now was planted.
I remember a time, sitting in the back seat of dad’s Chevy wagon, no seatbelt on, never during those years, windows front and back rolled down on a hot and humid summer day, dad used his rear view mirror to eye me from the driver’s seat and said, “One day after you grow up there’ll be a time when you won’t be able to see the sun in the middle of the day.”
My stomach tightened. “Why?”, I asked.
“Because of all the pollution. You see the black smoke coming out of those smokestacks on top of those buildings over there?” He pointed to the right. We were on interstate 95 travelling south from New Haven to New York City, the latter, the first city I ever truly loved.
“Yes”, I said. “Well, that’s a big problem and it’s getting worse. And one day, the mistakes men are making now will block out the sun. So, look up and enjoy the sun while you can.”
My dad was an atheist. In that moment though, he compelled me to gaze at the sun and as I did, I knew I’d met god. Again.
The ascending oligarch seeks to block out the truth of our divinity. Illiberal democracy relies on spells, massive sleep-i-tude and swiftness of a coup.
I’m lighting candles daily, in the early morning and again in the evening. My eyes yearning to meet what’s essential and be bathed in it. To be revivified in glow. To dispel the spells. To reclaim the sun.
Unlearning our divinity isn’t the same as unbecoming our divinity.
The fire is reclamation.
Become divine.
Become natural.
Remember who we’ve always been.
Look up. Look down. In every direction. Look within.
Sourcing from where our ancestors also looked within before departing to cosmos and everywhere- in their humanness they received their assignment, their holy sparks of genius. Our relational star seeds planted the lands we walk now, sprouting illimitable fortitude, resilience, insistence, laser focus, reclamation, wellspring, emergence, dawning of remembrance.
We receive relationship to the whole as we are allowing of our full remembrance and becoming.
We are creators and accountable to our greater next.
The Resistance needs us.
Our future needs us.
Our future generations need us.
We are human, in relationship to an infinite terrain of ecological luminosity.
The solution now is in our awakening.
The solution now is to dream and act our world awake.
Our ancestors’ past and future are looking to us in this unprecedented initiation.
The solution now is in knowing what is dying.
The solution now is in knowing what is being born and to midwife its arrival.
The solution now is in our collective creatorship.
Our awakening is guardianship of this new dawn.
The solution now is to make it so.
